Weekly Prayer Line: (669) 275-0161
Monday-Friday: 7am - 7:14 am
Monday Nights: 7 pm

VBS Waiver
To attend and participate in the Church's Vacation Bible School ("VBS"). The undersigned parent/legal guardian also agrees to attend VBS if any of above-listed children is 18 years old or under. I understand that the classes, programs, and facilities (including outdoor play areas) offered by Zion Baptist Church (the "Church") during VBS may involve participation in active physical activities, in various areas, including, but not limited to, areas of uneven floors, stairs, obstacles, and equipment.
I acknowledge that there are inherent risks of injury to participants in such activities and to those who may accompany them, which may range from normal bumps and strains to potentially serious injuries up to and including even paralysis or death. I represent to the Church that I have determined, with medical assistance if appropriate, that I and/or any child accompanying me is physically and mentally able to participate safely in various physical activities and that there are no limitations on or medical prohibitions against our participation in VBS or activities that may take place during VBS. I voluntarily accept the risks associated with my and my child's participation in such activities.
I agree that ZBC, its employees, agents, officers, members, and contractors shall not be liable for, and I release and covenant for myself and accompanying children not to bring any lawsuit in any form, for any injury, loss, or damage occurring in whole or in part as a result of participation in VBS or entering or using the facilities unless such injury, loss or damage is the result of such person's/entities' intentional misconduct or reckless disregard of known safety rules and regulations while we are under their instruction, supervision or control or otherwise on the premises.