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Small Groups at Zion

At Zion, our vision is to see every individual connected, growing, serving, and going.  Small Groups are a key means by which believers connect with God and with each other. So, connecting becomes the key purpose of Small Groups at Zion.


In our modern culture, small groups are often viewed merely as a program or a fellowship ministry within the church. But for the New Testament church, it was a way of life. Their relationships with one another were critical to their pursuit of Jesus, their growth in Christ, their service to one another, and their witness to the Good News. It would be impossible to experience biblical community apart from spiritually significant, intentional relationships with other believers. Relational structures like small groups, therefore, are an integral part of 'being' the church. Click HERE to join.


Get Ready! Get Ready! Get Ready! 
The next Small Group Session will commence on February 4, 2024
The Lord's Prayer:  The Pattern
Ioannis Dekas
Where: Various Face to Face and Virtual Locations



What you need


  1. Your favorite Bible or Bible App

  2. Right Now Media Access: RNM is a FREE  Christian Study Video Content Streaming service with hundreds of Bible study videos, including those used for Small Group, personal study, growth and devotional times. Sign up here at

*Your facilitator will give additional information specific to your group. 


“At Zion, our vision is to see every individual connected, growing, serving, and going.  Small Groups are a key means by which believers connect with God and with each other. So, connecting becomes the key purpose of Small Groups at Zion.”


For assistance, contact Rev. Maria Harris at

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