Weekly Prayer Line: (669) 275-0161
Monday-Friday: 7am - 7:14 am
Monday Nights: 7 pm
We connect outside of Zion’s walls
with our community.

Old Zion Heritage Museum​
Established in 2003, Old Zion Heritage Museum houses artifacts and photos reflecting Cobb County’s black community’s history, art and culture. Zion Baptist Church was organized in 1866 by 88 former slaves who chose a brush arbor as their first worship place. The Old Zion Heritage Museum is Zion Baptist Church’s building built in 1888 after a fire destroyed a small wooden structure the congregation assembled for worship services. Added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1990, Zion’s members restored Old Zion in 1997, preserving the original early 20th century pews.
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Zion Baptist Academy
Zion Baptist Academy (ZBA) developed from the vision of Zion Baptist Church’s pastor emeritus, Rev. Dr. Harris T. Travis, a career educator for nearly three decades. Co-founders Brother Thomas and Mother Doris Webster created a safe Christian learning environment that embraces the diversity and spirit of the community ZBA serves. Based on Proverbs 22:6 (KJV), “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it,” The Academy opened its doors and welcomed students on Tuesday, September 4, 2007.
ZBA, an entity of Zion Baptist Church, is licensed by Bright from the Start Georgia’s Department of Early Care and Learning. The researched curriculum ZBA utilizes is faith-based, spiritually dynamic and developmentally appropriate for infants, pre-school and school-age children.
Learn more about ZBA
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Ways to support ZBA
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The Benevolent Missionary Assistance Ministry
The Benevolent Missionary Assistance Ministry of Zion Baptist Church assists individuals and families in need. The Benevolent Missionary Assistance Ministry filled requests for food distribution, utility assistance (heat and electricity), housing subsidies (funds to pay rent or mortgage), transportation (gas cards or bus passes) and other life necessities.
In 2020, Zion received 661 phone calls for Missionary Assistance. Zion provided 123 clients with rent or mortgage assistance, 72 clients with temporary lodging in hotels or motels, 64 clients with utility assistance. The ministry distributed 30 bus passes and 36 food vouchers before this program suspended services in March at the start of the pandemic shut down.
Reconnecting Our Roots Community Garden
Reconnecting Our Roots Community Garden (RORCG) is a thriving 53 raised bed community of avid gardeners supported by property owner Zion Baptist Church. Directed and educated by Cobb County Master Gardeners, RORCG is an open gate garden concept that seeks to reach a community of renters and those outside the gates.
Dig for details about RORCG
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Talk a walk through RORCG
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Family Promise Cobb County (FPCC) Rotational Shelter Program (RSP)
In partnership with Family Promise Cobb County (FPCC), Zion is a host in the Rotational Shelter Program (RSP) that provides shelter, meals and support services to families without homes through a network of local congregations. To assist the Network, Zion provides volunteers, meals and financial support. Due to COVID-19 protocol, families were hosted once at Zion in January 2020. Zion paid for families to stay in hotels for the remainder of the rotations.
Button copy: FPCC
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Zion Baptist Church House of Blessings
In partnership with Family Promise, Zion Baptist Church provides housing for families as they transition from congregation-based housing support, save for permanent housing, and establish rental history. In 2020, ZBC House of Blessings accommodated six families, with four graduating from the program by moving into permanent housing and one currently residing in the house.
Zion Baptist Church Counseling Center
With a federal grant from the Cobb County Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Office, Zion opened the Roosevelt Circle Center in 2019. The center is home to Zion’s Project Wellness, where certified counselors provide services to low-income households and communities in Cobb County. This comprehensive counseling center offers individuals and families who may be experiencing financial hardships health care and wellness counseling to address mental, emotional, relational, vocational, social, economic, educational and spiritual challenges.
Liberia Mission Technology and Education Project
In 2020 and 2021, Zion donated computers and educational materials to schools in Liberia. Pastor Eric M. Beckham, First Lady Beckham and other Zion leaders interacted with the students sharing God’s Word.